Diabetes Specialist in Pune
Obesity Treatment – Dr. Reema Kashiva

Define Obesity
Why Do We Get Fat?

Junk Food

Sedentary Lifestyle

No Exercise

Office Stress
Microalbuminuria (i.e. leakage of albumin in urine) is one of the earliest signs of kidney disease and Obesity is associated with a 70% increased risk of microalbuminuria compared to lean subjects.
The increased presence of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and atherosclerosis indirectly increase the incidences of kidney disease in overweight & obesity.
However, there are also direct ways in which kidneys get affected by obesity. Increased fat mass leads to increased metabolic demand on the kidneys that increases the stress on kidneys.
Dr. Reema Kashiva’s Diabetes & Obesity Center is a specialty center providing focused care for the management of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes and Obesity center in Pune. Dr. Reema Kashiva basically focuses on Diabetes, Obesity, Thyroid.