Dr. Reema Kashiva

Causes of Weight Gain and Obesity

Junk Foods


The food you eat has a major impact on your body and can make you put on or lose weight quite easily. By eating the wrong food you will accumulate a lot of fat around the hips, stomach and thighs area. Foods such as chips, ice cream, candies, cakes, pastries, cookies, red unprocessed meats in burgers or steaks and unprocessed meats found in bacon and salami can contribute to fat in the body rapidly. These food items are extremely high in calories, full of carbohydrates and lead to hip fat and Weight Gain and Obesity

Lack of Physical Activity –


When a person remains inactive all day long or sits in one place for most of the time, the fat derived from the food he/she eats starts getting accumulated as it fails to get turned into energy which the body can use. People who do not exercise, sit in front of the TV all day or prefer lying in bed when doing nothing often complain that it took no time for them to gain weight and accumulate hip fat and fat around stomach and thigh region along with other body parts.

Less Consumption of Water –

Another one of the common causes of fat is reduced consumption of water, allowing toxins and wastes to remain in the body for long resulting in weight gain and also help in the accumulation of fat. Drinking loads of water every day helps to eliminate toxins and wastes products thereby keeping your body weight low and fat at bay.

Menopause –

For women who are about to experience or are already experiencing menopause, weight gain is a natural phenomenon. As the body undergoes several hormonal changes, a woman can gain weight and body fat, especially in the hip and belly region.

Medical Ailments –

People who suffer from medical ailments such as knee, ankle or back pain, Thyroid, Diabetes are unable to move around much and are confined to one place all day long are most likely to add hip fat. Such people should eat healthily and try to do some hand and leg exercises while sitting in place.

Sedentary Work –


A sedentary worker is a person who sits in one place all day long to do his work and does not have much physical movement. People who have desk jobs be it of any kind which requires them to stay at one place often accumulate a lot of fat in various parts of the body.


How do I know if I am obese?

Obesity can be measured using BMI.

BMI is calculated by dividing body weight (kilograms) by height (metres) squared.


World Health Organisation BMI classification system for adults


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