Dr. Reema Kashiva

Insulin Pump – Myths v/s Facts

Many People in India are not aware of what continuous Glucose Infusion or insulin pump means, what Is might be like and how would it work. An insulin pump is a device about the size of a cell phone that contains a cartridge of fast-acting Insulin. A Pump that has a screen and buttons for programming the pumps internal computer and a motor that pushes the insulin from the cartridge into your body through a thin plastic tube called INFUSION SET.


Wearing a pump will disclose physically that I am diabetic


A pump is of the size of a small cell phone, so wearing a pump can be very discreet. You can use both under your clothes and over your clothes. So you can keep it completely secret if you want to. It\’s just 5 buttons you have to learn (less than Remote Buttons or ATM Machine Button.


Can\’t use the pumps as! don\’t know the technology


When you buy the latest cell phone you start learning its use from the basics of dialing and gradually move on to its higher and advanced functions of using the advanced apps. Same way is Insulin pump learn to use the basics first and gradually move on to learn its higher functions. You will find that using an insulin pump is easier than using a cell phone.


Wearing an insulin pump will interfere with daily activities


These pumps can be worn under or over your skin. There are clips available to wear a pump. The pump can easily be disconnected from your body for up to an hour for activities like swimming, showering, exercise or others so that daily activities are not interfered with.


You still have to do shots and It\’s painful


Only on needle stick is there at the time of inserting which is virtually painless. You need an infusion set once every 3 days

120 needle stick/ month = 12 needle stick/month

With insulin without pump with pump (90% reduction in pricks)


You have to get surgery


As I said before these pumps are of the size of a small cell phone or MP3 player. They deliver insulin continuously through a small tube placed under your skin. No surgery needed.


You forget you have diabetes


To use the pump you have to check your blood sugar before meals and at bedtime. Determine how many carbohydrates you\’ll eat and programme these values into your pump. The pump will then calculate and suggest therapy based on your individualize programme setting. It reminds you to programme your life with Diabetes and not to forget it.


It\’s uncomfortable to wear a pump


When you first start using a pump you may feel the insertion site. It just takes a little bit of time to get used to. Once you get used to, you just forget it until you need to give infusion absolute dose or have to change the infusion set.


All Insulin pumps are the same


There are various pumps available in the market. The differentiator to use which one you want

  • Size of insulin Reservoir
  • Number of infusion sets
  • Minimum and maximum basal and bolus dose Pump\’s activity to communicate with CGM/ Meter Water Resistance
  • Customer support and training available.
  • Best is to visit your Doctor/educator which based suite your best.


Pumps are only for type 1 diabetes


Using insulin pumps you provide insulin to your body the way naturally ie insulin is secreted into your body in response to your food intake. So it can also be used in type 2 diabetes who are on multiple daily insulin pricks. IT also advised using in gestational diabetes to avoid multiple daily pricks of L4 insulin and meet up the insulin need like a normal person.


Insulin may be more for me as pump release insulin through the day


Pumps deliver incredibly precise dosages. Most pumps use 0.25 units / dose. Scientific data says pump users took 20% less insulin on an average compared to per or syringe uses.

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